Elaine Yee Ling Tong

With deep sorrow, we inform you of the passing of Elaine Tong, aged 91, on December 27, 2020, following a short period of physical decline. She passed away peacefully at Richmond General Hospital in the presence of family members from various locations, connected via video call.
Elaine was born and lived in Hong Kong until first coming to Canada with her husband and children in the mid 1980s and was proud to become a Canadian citizen in the early 1990s. During the times when she and husband Dr. George Tong were in Richmond, she found a deep connection with the Richmond Chinese MB Church, where she taught Sunday school, and George played and donated the organ. The church network was a great source of support and friendship for her, enduring through her final days.
Those who knew Elaine in person will remember her friendly and sociable personality as well as her playful sense of humor. She had a beautiful creative side expressed through painting. Both her traditional Chinese ink paintings as well as classical Western oil paintings are joyously displayed both at home and other venues.
Elaine is survived by her husband George, with whom she recently had her 65th wedding anniversary, by her three children, Leon, Carol, and Ian, and extended family, including a daughter-in-law, son-in-law, and two step grandchildren.
---Elaine Yee Ling Tong’s Family